Dated Released : 28 April 1995
Quality : DVDRip
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Starring : Christopher Reeve, Kirstie Alley, Linda Kozlowski
Genre : Horror | Sci-Fi
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The quiet coastal town of Midwich, California is invaded by an unseen force which leaves ten women mysteriously pregnant. Nine months later, the babies are born simultaneously on one night, except for one which is stillborn. At first, they all appear to be normal, but it does not take the parents long to realize that their children are anything but normal. As they grow older, the children are shown to have pale skin, platinum-white hair, fierce intellect and steely, cobalt eyes. The emotionless children display eerie psychic abilities and remarkable powers, which they use with deadly consequences, unleashing a reign of terror. When they actively use their mind-controlled powers, their irises or their entire eyes glow in different colours, mostly reddish-orange, but also green, yellow, violet, blue or pure white.
There are some story differences from the earlier adaptation. In this version, the children "paired off", but one of the children, David, loses his partner after she dies at birth. As a result, he shows human compassion while still resembling the other children and retaining some degree of psychic powers. This leads to him not fitting in well with the children. Their ruthless leader, Mara ("daughter" of a local doctor, Dr. Alan Chaffee; her mother, Barbara, commits suicide by walking off an ocean cliff), considers him less important due to his expression of emotions. Because of his childhood loss, he understands what the other children don't: pain. He and his mother (the local school principal, Jill McGowan) share a brief conversation about this, with David understanding that if he feels pain, he can understand others' pain also. When the other children experience pain, they simply use their powers to inflict the same pain on the adult responsible for the pain.
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